Friday, April 20, 2007

Night At The Park..

After dinner we decided to go the park.Aunt Taryn,Uncle Kyle , Kyler and Mandy came too. We went to an elementary school playground! It was great because we were the only ones there plus it was less than a half a mile from the house!
The big kids had so much fun running around.It was nice because the whole playground was fenced in so we did not have to worry about them wondering around.Gage of course ate the rocks on the ground.I really think he prefers the mulch over the rocks tonight though!
Gage's favorite had to be the tunnel slide.It was a big one for older kids.Being our 3rd child we felt we could go ahead and put him down it! He LOVED it.You could hear him laughing in the tunnel when Daddy would lay him down to slide! You could really catch some speed on that slide!
The twins did not want to leave! When it was time to go of course they ran off! After threatening to leave them there Aunt Taryn cleverly asked for a hug and picked them both up!
It was the perfect after dinner activity.We will for sure be visiting the Elementary School playground again!