Sunday, July 22, 2007

Day At The Pool..

Saturday afternoon we headed to Nana and Paw Paws for a relaxing day at the pool.We took Uncle Kyle with us so he would not be lonely because Aunt Taryn , Kyler and Mandy are in Georgia visiting family for the week.My Moms cousin and best friend Sandy was in town with her husband so it was great to spend time with her.We do not see her as often as we would like.She without a doubt has the kindest heart of anyone I have ever met.
The day itself was beautiful! Not to hot but hot enough to really enjoy the pool.The kids had a blast of course playing and swimming.The favorite for all 3 was jumping off the waterfall.They are pros at that now!
Mom made us an awesome lunch, as always of course.We had to leave around 5:30 so Shawn and Kyle could go play poker.Good thing because Shawn ended up wining the pot of $50! He is a bit tired though because it took till 4am to win it!
All and all a wonderful weekend.
I am so blessed to have such wonderful family in my life to share my weekends with.