Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Awe the Memories....

As many of you know I am having a hysterectomy on Friday(Thank God!).
It so happens its at the same hospital Mom and Dad were after the accident.I was there the whole morning doing pre-op.Man at the memories that come flooding back.From the time I first drove into the parking garage that horrible week was so fresh on my mind.Passing the spot outside where Shawn and I must have smoked a million cigarettes that first day to the E.R. where we all gathered before we knew what was going on.The one memory that stands out in my mind now and forever was the dam family room in the I.C.U..Sitting there with our little family hearing that more likely than not Dad was going to die.I'm positive not one of us in that room will ever forget that.Shock is an understatement.The words the nurse was saying couldn't possibly be about Dad.I remember thinking how I was going to explain to my kids that there was no Papa anymore , I could not do that.I believe our dear friend Clint said it best.After an I.C.U visit in the early days he was so stunned, he said it was so hard to see a man who he always thought of as larger than life lying there like that.I can understand the sentiment.
I don't want to relive old hurt but all those memories from today remind me how truly blessed
our family is.I give thanks to God because without him I believe Dad would not be here enjoying his gran kids and being the best Papa that he can be.Just a reminder that we never know how short life can be and we MUST enjoy it and love our family without condition because we never know what another seemingly ordinary Sunday may bring..
On a lighter note. As I passed the McDonald's I wondered if there is even 1 Goulding who wouldn't vomit just looking at it! HAHA