Monday, October 1, 2007


Tonight we had our first scrimmage.Gran , Papa and Grammy Gwen came to watch the kids.
It was everything you imagine 3-5 yr olds playing ball would be!It was for sure funny and at times even a little chaotic.
All the kids did really well , especially for their age.Alex needs to learn to run after she bats! She wants to go back to the dug out.The first time she bat though she tried to steal second!
Her second time to bat there was one of the Dads at first first.Well as soon as she saw him she got scared and turned around! I had to go take her hand ,run her to first then run her to second where the Coach was.It was really funny!
Austin would hit the ball but would immediately run after it with his bat!
There are some fundamentals that we need to go over for sure!
If home runs were allowed in T-Ball that is all there would be.None of the kids on either team can get to the ball fast enough , not to mention throw and catch it before you could run around all the bases!
Oh well , this is not to be competitive,its for the kids to have fun and we are definitely winning at that!


Anonymous said...

sooo cute! i miss you guys!