Sunday, June 22, 2008

Vacation Bible School...

Tonight was the first night of VBS at our local Methodist Church.This year the theme is Outriggers Island.They had the whole building decorated like a tropical island .
Taryn and I dropped the the kids off and they did not even notice us leaving.
When we came back 2 hours later those three were dancing to songs they had learned that night.
Not one of them was ready to go home.They felt a little better when I told them they were coming back for 4 more nights.
It did my heart good to walk in and see my kids having fun and being a part of something wonderful.
I'm just as excited about them going back!
There was a big fight at home though over games that were played at VBS.Apparently they split the teams boy girl.Well Alex was very sure the girls won 2 games but Austin was just as sure the boys did.I mean it turned into a knock down fight! Of all things!
The kids were just happy to be with Kyler again too.Between their vacation and ours those 3 went almost 2 weeks without each other! That is un-heard of for them.They seriously think they must see each other almost daily! So it looks like the 3 musketeers are back together again enjoying VBS together.