Sunday, July 13, 2008

Gran and Papas..

After our fun at Splash Factory we stopped in at Gran and Papas for a visit.
Mandy was already there spending the night and Megan was coming over as well so that the younger girls could have a slumber party.
We were not there 5 minutes and those kids were out of the dry clothes I had just put on them and got right back into their swim suits!
The 6 kids had an absolute blast swimming and playing in the back yard.
Gran and I bathed them all in the pool before dinner.There was no way around it because all 3 girls had green sand packed in their hair from the "witches brew" they had been "cooking" in the pot!
Papa and Daddy brought some Panda Express home but Mandy and Megan were the only ones that would even eat a bite of it.The big kids wanted nothing to do with Chinese food.Megan eats it with her parents and Mandy , well its food and its Mandy,that girl loves food!
They all played very hard.After dinner I was sure they would all pass out on the drive home but Gage was the only one.The boys though lasted about 10 minutes when their head hit the pillow and they were gone.The first kid woke up at 8:45 this morning!
It was a fun Saturday and an exhausting one as well.