Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Visit From The Tooth Fairy...

Yes that's right,last night the Tooth Fairy came to our house for the first time.
Alex was super excited about leaving her tooth under the pillow last night so we made a big production of it.
She asked me too if the Tooth Fairy was really real.I simply told her that she was just as real as Santa Claus! Shawn and I got a good laugh out of it and she had no doubts.
After she fell asleep Shawn exchanged her tooth for some Littlest Pet Shop.She did not want money , just those Pet Shop toys.
This morning she was ecstatic when she found them!
Austin is now telling us all how he was awake and got to talk to the Tooth Fairy! Interesting....
He is also very excited now about loosing his teeth!


Angela said...

That is absolutely wonderful. I will have to remember toys when it's Isa's turn to wait for the Tooth Fairy...

Ashley said...

I'm SO glad the tooth pulling and tooth fairy episode went so well! She's a trooper! But we've know that for years! :)

Ashley said...

Oh! and how does that poor girl feel waking up to a DEAR's HEAD right next to her face in the morning! Sheeh! Ha! Kidding...