Monday, September 15, 2008

Sad Day..

It seems all is pretty much lost on Crystal Beach.I was told today that not only the house but the neighborhood is completely gone.I was studying the ariel photos today of the peninsula and its safe to say they were the hardest hit and suffered more damage than anyone.
My heart breaks when I think of how beautiful the towns were and how fabulous the view from our porch this summer.
It may be gone but the wonderful memories with my children will never be forgotten.


K2 & Sweet'tater said...

I am sorry, I know you were looking forward to annual family vacations to that beautiful spot. I am sure you will find an almost equally fabulous spot for future family trips.

Karen Lee and Rick Goulding said...


It is no longer a penninsula, but an island. The bridge over the cut at Gilcrest has been destroyed. The major part of the destruction was due to the 13 - 20 feet of storm surge. Gilcrest had 250 homes and now they have 2 with major problems. 60% of Boliver has been washed away. We have been getting before and after pictures from NOAA via the news media. Yes, it is a 24/7 news event in Houston.

We were fortunate to have power back on Sunday evening. We had a generator, but not for the a/c. Actually the rain on Sunday morning caused alot of flooding in Houston.

I thanl God each and every day that He has provided safety and provisions for us.

Do not plan on a Boliver isalnd vacation in 2009, but 2010!



Kelly Goulding said...

Thanks for the information!I have been searching for all the news I can find about Bolivar.
I saw the NOAA , very tragic pictures indeed.
You are absolutely right too , I will be planning 2010 without a doubt.
You and everyone in the area are in my prayers.