Monday, May 18, 2009


Saturday morning we spent some time in the rain! There was no lightning so Alex's game went on , so we all sat out in the rain for an hour..The bright side though was she played great and scored a goal from 1/2 field! GO ALEX! The rain agreed with her!
After drying off at home Alex was off to Brianna's for her much anticipated slumber party,while Austin got to go on his first turkey hunting trip with his Dad.
Austin has been wanting to go all season so it was a really big day for him.
They picked up Kyle and Kyler and from what I hear had an absolute blast and saw deer and hog while hunting.Shawn said the boys did great and they all 4 really enjoyed themselves,I was so happy for him.He even refused to take off his camo to go to bed that night because it was"so awesome"..Too cute!
Gage and I did a little bit of shopping then we met Nana and Paw Paw for dinner..
It was a great day even though we all split up after the game.Now I am very busy getting ready for our annual camping trip for Memorial day.So much to do but I am very excited!