Friday, August 28, 2009

Gage's Turn...

On Thursday Gage started Tuesday/Thursday pre-school class.
He has been very excited about going!
After we dropped the kids off at school I took him to a special breakfast at McDonald's before his class started.
When we got to his class he started clinging to me and would duck in my lap every time the teacher would speak to him.I was fearing the worst and starting to tear up t the same time.
Finally he spotted a truck and ran over to play with it.When i was ready to leave I told him bye and he barley looked at me when he said it back! Its a wonder about boys and their trucks..
I on the other hand felt like I left my right arm behind.The first hour I was very sad and teary but it gradually got better as I was able to run errand by MYSELF!That was really nice.
I was excited to pick him up at 2:30.He was not so excited to see me though.He wouldn't talk to me for about an hour after we left! Mrs.Tiffany , his teacher,said he had a great day and played hard in the gym.If other people asked him he would tell them he had a great day but just not to me..I think he wants me to feel bad for leaving him even though he had a good time.
From what he is telling other people he is excited to go back.Maybe he will speak to me on Tuesday!