Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Red Ribbon Week...

This week is Red Ribbon Week at school.To kick off the week we had a big school wide balloon release at the end of the day.
Each balloon had the kids drug free pledge on it and also a note to call us so that we can track how far the balloons went.
The kids had no clue we were doing it till we delivered the balloons to their rooms at the end of the day! They all had so much fun and it really did get the kids excited about the week.
Our local grocer donated all the balloons to us and another business man here in town donated a Uhaul truck to transport them all to school.Ever since becoming involved with our PPT I am so in awe of the awesome community we have here.Everyone is so willing to help and donate their time and resources for our kids.Thank you Alvarado!
9 pictures for you
9 pictures for you
9 pictures for you