Monday, January 26, 2009

Rangers Fan Fest...

Saturday morning Shawn and Kyle took the boys to the annual Texas Rangers Fan Fest.
Austin had been so excited all week about going and could not leave fast enough on Saturday to get there.
It was so cold that day but they still had a blast.They ran the bases ,went to the press box,and I am told had a very fun ride up the escalators.
By the time they got there they had run out of the free giveaways for the kids but Gran saved the day and gave Austin and Kyler Rangers blankets and Gage his own Rangers cooler to take with him when he fished with Daddy.
Thank you so much Gran! Austin loves his blanket and has slept with it every night since.
The picture you see of his blanket was taken when we left their house,he was so exhausted he covered up and slept like that all the way home.
Thanks Papa for giving the boys your tickets ,they had a great time!