Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Bouncin Bonanza!

This morning I was looking for a fun activity for the kids so we checked out the local bounce place.WOW! We had so so much fun!
The kids went crazy with all the bouncing and sliding.They all agreed that the 15ft foot slide was the favorite.I lugged Gage up the ladders about 100 times so he could slide.This place is so awesome.The best $3 per child I have ever spent.We will be going back on a regular basis for sure.
The only way I got them to leave was to take them for happy meals!
I don't know about them but I am exhausted!

Slumber Party!

After the play date Kyler got to spend the night! Slumber parties are a favorite for the three little musketeer's.These three are really inseparable!
The sleep over last night was a special event because we watched A Charlie Brown Christmas!
After a bath and jammies ,I made a big pallet in the living room and popped popcorn and we all watched together.The kids really enjoyed it. The boys thought Snoopy was really funny. Every time he came on they would crack up!
It was a perfect end to a great day of fun for them all.

Play Date!

Uncle Doug brought Kaycee to play with her cousins while she was in town.The kids had a great time together.Alex especially enjoyed having another girl her age to play with.
When it first started I took the picture you see and thanks to Uncle Doug's crazy sounds it came out great!While I printed them off the kids decorated picture frames with Christmas stickers.It was a lot of fun and they came out great! I thought that would be a nice craft to do for Kaycee to take home with her to remember her cousins down here in Texas ..After pizza and chocolate pie Kaycee had to leave.We are looking forward to seeing her again at Christmas.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Turkey Day!

After 3 days of cleaning and 2 days of cooking,I'm proud to say we had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
We had all the Goulding clan plus my parents,Taryn's parents and our friend Kevin for dinner.
The house was full and I'm so glad we had enough food! Shawn deep fried the turkey and it was excellent , every ones favorite!
All the cousins had a blast running around and playing.Aunt Erica brought items for them to make Thanksgiving place mats and that was a hit.Good job crafty Aunt Erica!
It was so great to have so many family members together for the holiday.
I am thankful for so much this year.Most of our wonderful family and Mom and Dads presence with us.Could have been a somber holiday but thanks to God and a team of wonderful Doctors it was very joyous! Happy Holidays! Time to plan Christmas!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


After the ice cream the kids and I got to work on the Indian head dress for Thanksgiving! We really had a lot of fun!
They each picked out their own feathers and lined them up.I went around with the hot glue gun and finished it up for them.Of course we had to open 2 LARGE bags of feathers.It was a big mess but was totally worth the clean up.I had just has much fun as they did!
They are still wearing their little projects now.I guess I will take them off when they go to bed.
Don't worry Mandy and Megan,we have some waiting for you two to wear too!

Cousin Time!

Tonight we were supposed to do our first dual sleep over with Kyler and Mandy.Poor Mandy though got sick and was not able to make it but we decided to have Kyler over for some fun.
After a little bit of playing outside Shawn and I took all 4 kids to McDonald's! Needless to say they had a blast.They all ate pretty decent with the promise of playing after.
They wore the playground out! They had so much fun climbing up in the house and talking to us from above.Luckily we were able to bribe them out with ice cream!
We let them eat their sundaes in the driveway .It was fun for them and less mess for me!
They had ice cream all over them! Shawn had to get a bucket of water for them and the driveway.So far the night is a hit!

Monday, November 12, 2007

T-Ball Party!

Tonight we had our end of season party at the house.I'm happy to say it was a big success!
We had pizza for dinner when everyone got there.After dinner the kids literally went crazy! There was about 18 kids all in the front of the house playing! It was nuts! The noise level was incredible.It was okay though because they were all very well behaved and were having a lot of fun together.
After awhile we had cake.The cake I bought had their team picture on it.It was awesome! The kids were so funny picking out which team mate they wanted to eat! Of course Alex wanted to eat Kyler and Kyler thought that was cool.Shawn and Kyle of course had to eat themselves!
After cake Coach Lopez handed out the participation medals to all the kids.Those were a hit!
All the Moms got together and bought me a Target gift card for being the team Mom.I was so touched by their thoughtfulness.I know Taryn had a big hand in that because it was my favorite store! Thank you Aunt Taryn!
After some more playing the kids went home.They were all given goody bags to take with them.
I am really going to miss everyone and going to t-ball every week.We are already looking forward to next season!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Pratt Party 2007!!

Friday morning Shawn and I flew to Atlanta with his boss,his wife,another co worker and his wife,and about 3 customers.We were all going to the annual party put on by the owner of Shawn's company.Its a pretty big deal to even get invited.You have to have a very large account to even come.Thankfully Shawn does and his customer wanted to go as well.
The flight was uneventful and I was glad because I had some anxiety at first about flying.
When we got there we checked into a beautiful hotel called the Double Tree.There was an open bar in the lobby for all the guests.There were a ton of them too,probably at least 400 people.
At 6pm about 15 vans came and took us to the party.I was stunned when we got into his neighborhood.There were nothing but mansions,in fact he lives next to the Governor of Georgia's mansion.
Once inside we were greeted by the big boss himself.After that were so many waitresses carrying trays of food and drinks.There was at least 3 bars I saw inside and several food stations.The food was awesome.They served fillet mignon , lamb chops,jumbo tiger shrimp and much more.
The party each year always has a theme and this year it was western.That's the reason for the mechanical bull pictures! I did not ever think I would do that but about 3 Long Island Ice Teas later and there I was!There was also 2 live bands that performed and a stand up Comedian.
I met so many different people from all over the country.There were several Mayors there as well as the Australian Consulate.Shawn's company is Australian so that's the reason for that.
I was wondering why there were several cops with guns but after I started meeting the guest I soon figured it out!
It was such an awesome experience,I cant even begin to explain it.
We were up late and had to get up early to catch our flight but it was well worth it.
I am going to see to it Shawn has another big customer next year because I am going!

Sunday, November 4, 2007


This morning Gage was really interested in going to the potty.I dug the twins old potty seat out of the garage and showed him it was on the potty for him.
After his bath this morning he said "pee pee',so of we went.
I was just playing along not thinking he would actually go.Boy was I surprised when he started grunting! Sure enough he went poo poo! I couldn't believe it,usually he would have just gone in the tub!!
So looks like we are at the beginning stages of potty training.I'm hoping the twins will help me out!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Bee Movie!

Today Nana and I took the 3 big kids to see the new Bee Movie.It was a wonderful film,we really enjoyed it!
The kids were so excited, as you can see they were running to the theater.The other 2 pictures they are all yelling "POPCORN"!!!
Before we even got there the kids had already decided that the the boys would have Dr.Pepper and Alex would have a Fanta.Butter was of course accepted on the popcorn too! So $30 later that was what they got!
They sat and watched the entire movie without a problem.They were so cute sitting there watching,eating popcorn,and drinking their sodas.They are all getting so big!
I really enjoyed tagging along to this one.In the past Nana has taken the twins to various movies as quality time so I was special today.
After the show Kyler came home with us for a slumber party because his Mama and Sister are sick right now.They have had a lot of fun together.Spending the entire day and night with each other is always exciting.
We will keep our eyes out for more movies coming out because I have a feeling these 3 are going to be movie buffs!