Sunday, August 5, 2007

Meet Franklin!

Yes its true we have added yet another thing to care for at our house!
Ever since seeing Jungle Jim and the turtles at the library the kids have talked about them and I thought it would be cool for them to have a turtle to watch and learn about too.
Boy I had no clue what I was getting in to! I have been to school now on how to care for turtles! You wouldn't think they require much but in order to ensure health and longevity there are certain things they need such as uv and uvb rays.Long story short we have a $200 and something turtle! Daddy was thrilled!
It was worth it because the kids are in love with her.They want to see her right when they wake up.Alex named her Franklin before we got her so we kept it but we call her Frankie for short.
Special thanks to Aunt Taryn for answering my million questions and helping set up the terrarium for Miss Frankie.