Thursday, May 14, 2009

Pre-K Graduation...

Well tonight was the big night,my babies graduated and received their pre-k diplomas.It really does seem like a few weeks ago I took them to their very first day..It has been such a great experience for all of us.The kids have learned so much and I feel blessed to have had such fabulous loving people to teach and guide my kids.It was worth every cent!
As for me ,I really loved being a room Mom.I cant wait to do it all over again, 3 classes though may prove to be challenging!
We filled up a pew tonight with both sets of Grandparents and Kyle , Taryn , Mandy and Kyler..It was a proud moment when the only kids who got big shout outs and woot woots when they received the diploma,was Austin and Alex! We have an awesome support system for our kids and I am truly thankful with all of my heart for that.
After the ceremony we of course headed for ice cream! We ate and visited ,it was a great way to wrap up our night.

P.S. Sorry for the awful pictures but the lighting was horrible.


Lee said...

The pictures look great to me. Congratulations on their accomplishments, they got a great Mom.