Thursday, April 12, 2007

Play Date at the Park

What a beautiful day for the park! As you can see all the kids had a blast! We met Aunt Erica and Cousin Megan for a play date. The twins loved climbing and sliding and being able to be outside and enjoy the weather.Gage and Megan of course were fond of the swings but really got into climbing and sliding also.They had this cup like spinner there that was great! I would spin the twins around then laugh my butt off when they got out and tried to walk! Needless to say the swayed then hit the ground!
We ended the day at Gran and Papas.Papa was a bit sore from a procedure he had that afternoon but is doing much better.The kids played and Daddy came over with cheeseburgers!
They all crashed hard after the long, fun day we had.
Good bye beautiful day.Tomorrow I will be in the closet with a mattress on my head!


K2 & Sweet'tater said...

Looks like fun! I am jealous.