Sunday, November 4, 2007


This morning Gage was really interested in going to the potty.I dug the twins old potty seat out of the garage and showed him it was on the potty for him.
After his bath this morning he said "pee pee',so of we went.
I was just playing along not thinking he would actually go.Boy was I surprised when he started grunting! Sure enough he went poo poo! I couldn't believe it,usually he would have just gone in the tub!!
So looks like we are at the beginning stages of potty training.I'm hoping the twins will help me out!


Unknown said...

Wow, Gage is a Big Boy.
He is going to love you for that picture later. But at least you didn't put the poo in the picture too, like they do on the show "John & Kate Plus 8".

Hey, what can we bring for thanksgiving?

Another Grandmother heard from...