Thursday, May 1, 2008

May Fest 2008!

Tonight Alex had a dance performance at Mayfest.I was dreading battling the traffic and crowds but it really was not bad at all.
She had a blast getting her hair and makeup done! She loves wearing her costume and asked me to take her picture several times.
As you can see in the videos she could use some more practice but she is having so much fun and that is what matters.
It was fun for me to see her get excited about seeing her dance friends and watch her run and play with them , all in pink tu tu's!
I am so happy she has found something she really enjoys.I look forward to dance class and performances because of how much I know they excite her.
It was just her and I tonight since the show was at 6pm.The highlight was on the way home.She was in her booster , eating her happy meal and out of the blue said" It was really cool hanging out with you tonight"...Just when I thought she was starting to hate me already!
It was a fabulous night and I am excited about her Cinco De Mayo dance tomorrow!


K2 & Sweet'tater said...

I love that! This age is so cool because you really get to see and hear what THEY love. She has found her niche.