Thursday, August 20, 2009

Meet the Teacher!

Tonight was the twins turn for meet the teacher night at their new school.Before we left I had them draw numbers to see who's class would be first ,that way it saved a big melt down.Alex was first and she has Mrs.Sherill.I knew it was going to be perfect when I saw the room was decorated in all safari animals.Talking to the teacher we learned she is a real animal , National Geographic buff,just like Alex! That really made Alex happy.
Austin could not wait to get to his new room! His teacher is Mrs.Oliver and she seems like a really nice lady.Austin has been talking all week about getting to see his locker.He was very pleased when he located his name and tried it out!
I volunteered to be room Mom for both rooms and Mrs.Sherill said she already had a project for me!
I am so excited for my babies and at the same time my heart is aching.I will miss them during the day and its definitely going to be an adjustment for all of us.
After we left the school, we went and had a fabulous Babe's dinner with lots of friends.I am so full but it was a great night!