Wednesday, October 31, 2007


What a night! The whole Goulding clan came down so the cousins could trick or treat together.We started with pizza for dinner.After dinner the crew went outside and played hard.They rode every imaginable battery operated toy ever made! Gran strolled the little ones around the block while the big ones followed on their 4 wheelers.When it started to get dark we headed inside for costumes.Getting 6 kids all in costume is organized chaos.We had Spiderman,Superman,Princess Aurua,Cheerleader,Good Princess Witch.and Mr.Incredible himself! They were all adorable.
They all took off with their Daddies,Mandy and Gage rode in the wagon.Kyler and Austin would say"I wanna do it again" each house they went to!
They went around the whole neighborhood and came back with a big haul of candy.Mommy and Daddy will be gaining some weight for sure!
We had a wonderful time.Thanks to Aunt Taryn and Uncle Kyle for having us.