Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Slumber Party!

After T-Ball practice got rained out on Monday we went over to Uncle Kyles and Aunt Taryns.
The kids had such a great time running around the yard that Alex literally broke down because she did not want to leave Kyler.So I asked if it would be okay if Kyler came home with us.Needless to say the 3 of them were very excited!
When we got home all 3 plus Gage got a bath which is always fun,for them that is!
Afterwards we had snacks,cheese and crackers,apple slices and cereal bars.They work up little appetites after T-Ball.
When it was time for bed I made a big pallet on the floor and the three of them watched the football game with Shawn.They fell asleep before it was over,thank God!I was surprised though because Shawn was screaming and cussing through the whole game!
Shawn was so excited about the win that he woke me up to tell me! Gee,thanks.
This morning we had cereal and a little bit of play time before taking Kyler home.We love to have him over because the 3 of them are absolutely precious together,not to mention hysterical!