Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Another First For Gage!

What a mess! Gage has been toilet obsessed these days.Not in the good potty training way either.
He just likes to put stuff , including his hands, in the water.
I am constantly pulling him out of the bathroom.Well he finally clogged the toilet! Shawn was able to plunge it last night but today it was not happening.
After work he and Kyle had to actually remove the toilet!
We knew it had to be in the actual toilet when after removing the toilet from the ground there was still water in the bowl.
So Shawn lifted it up as much as possible while I grabbed everything out..After some nasty stuff, I wont go into (while Kyle was walking away threatning to throw up!),there it was,a little toy baby.
So for now all is clear but at least now Shawn knows how to detatch and unclog for future incidents.