Friday, July 4, 2008

July 4th..

We had a fabulous 4th of July today! We all slept in till about 9 am then I made breakfast and we all just lazed about.Papa and Gran came over and we cooked some burgers on the grill.
After dinner all of us went to the Cleburne 4th of July parade.It was really cool and the kids enjoyed it.Austin especially liked the part where they threw candy to the kids!
We then headed to the lake and waited for the big fireworks show.While we waited the kids had a blast in a bounce house and slide.They were all treated to cotton candy and snow cones as well.
Our neighbors John and Angie joined us and Gran and Papa and we all sat and visited while we waited for the show.It was such a beautiful night to sit by the lake and chat.
The show itself was AWESOME! I was really impressed with how many and how big the fireworks were.It lasted about 25min,that is a long time for fireworks.Cleburne for sure went all out!
The kids loved the fireworks.Alex was especially happy when Kevin joined us for the show.
She kept saying each one was her favorite one over and over!
The day and night were great and I could not have asked for a better 4th!