Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sunday School...

This morning the big kids and I headed to Church and Sunday School.
It honestly fills my heart to see them get so excited about attending Sunday School each week.
Before we went to Church and class we had donuts with everyone in the family center.The kids were really proud to pitch in their .50 I had given them to the donut fund plate.
After S.S. was over I asked them what they had learned and this is what Alex told me.
" Jesus is always with me and he is always with Kyler and he is always with Austin too , even you too Mommy."
Too cute! They are really just soaking up what the teacher is telling them.
I took them out for a special pizza and soda lunch , then we went and bought new books with their birthday gift cards from Cousin Megan.
At the moment they are munching on warm chocolate chip cookies and looking at their new books,its a great Sunday!