Saturday, September 6, 2008

Game Day..

Today was the boys first soccer game.To say it was great would be an understatement , it was fabulous at the very least!
It was so cool watching them giving it their all at the game.Austin really had a lot of fun and I was super proud of how hard he tried and how he kept going and never stopped trying to get the ball.
They were really just adorable out there running around in their new jerseys.They don't keep score at this age so technically we didn't win or loose.Of course "they" meaning everyone BUT Shawn and Kyle,so we won 14-5 according to them!!!
Next week Alex starts her season and their games are back to back.I just know I will be hoarse every Saturday!
Thank you to Papa,Grandpa,Kevin ,Nana,Grammy Gwen and Poppy for coming out to cheer the kids on.
I'm officially a soccer Mom!!!