Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Morning....

We had to wake the kids up at 8am to get started so we could make it to other families on time.
When they were awake enough to understand that Santa had been to their house,they ran out of the room!I made them all sleep in my room the night before so no one got a sneak peek before I knew it!
They were so excited to see their skateboards! Of course Gage's is a tiny one that we got because he had to have exactly what the big kids got.They have been asking Santa for those boards for over 6 months now.
Then we moved onto their stocking.I really think I didn't need to buy anything else because they were more excited over their stocking stuffers!
We finally got all the gifts unwrapped and had a little bit of time to play before we rushed off to start our busy day.