Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Accidental Fun!

Where Austin practices soccer there is a little spray park ( that I wished I knew about at the beginning of summer!) right by the field.
It is a fenced in area and at the time was turned off.Alex and Gage decided to go play around in there while Austin practiced.Shawn and I liked the idea too since it was close to us and fenced!
About 10 minutes into playing we heard screams,very excited screams followed by belly laughter.When we turned around the spray park was in full swing and the kids were soaked!
Somehow they figured out which post turned it on but it was by complete accident.They were shocked! Shawn and I had a big laugh! I went ahead and let them play in the spray park fully clothed for the remainder of Austins practice.Of course when he was done he wanted to go too.So at the end of the night we stripped all 3 down and they rode home almost naked.They had a blast! Next practice I am bringing swim suits...