Thursday, August 28, 2008

First Day Of School...

Hard to believe but my babies started pre-school this morning.
It was odd getting up and packing lunches.I thought to myself that these two lunches are the first of thousands to come!
When I woke them up they were grumpy until I told them it was time for school , boy they got so excited!
They happily ate all their brain food(breakfast)and were anxious to get dressed and leave.
We went over the food in the lunch box and explained how to open different items .I could barley get the lunch boxes into their back packs before they had them on already!
Dropping them off was a breeze , they could not have cared less about me leaving.
Gage and I did a little Wal-Mart shopping then home to housework.
I was a little sad driving home without all the usual chaos..
When I picked them up they filled me in on their day.They had a wonderful time and even made sure I knew they sat at different tables because they wanted to!
The teacher sends a daily folder home with us that shows their behavior and contains the work they did that day.We initial the behavior box and sent it back the next school day.
It was wonderful looking at their practice writing sheets!
I am so glad they are having a good time and learning too.
I can only imagine how fast this year will fly by and it will be time for kindergarten before we know it..


Lee said...

They look excited, congratulations on a good send off.