Tuesday, August 5, 2008

She has got the fever!

For soccer that is...
Alex is really loving soccer camp and told me she wanted to play on a team with girls..So I made sure she knew it was just girls and Kyler and Austin would not be on her team..She understood and was actually excited that it was just going to be girls..
So I got lucky and there were 2 more spots open so we signed her up.
This fall is going to be nuts with both their practices , games,plus Alex's regular dance and gymnastics every week.
Oh well , they are excited and that is what makes me happy!


K2 & Sweet'tater said...

I am glad she decided she wanted to do camp, it seems like it opened a new door of opportunity for her and she is having a lot of fun! I was tickled by her telling me "Aunt Taryn, I did everything the coach asked me to!" she was so proud.