Sunday, June 10, 2007

Look Out San Antonio!!

This weekend we took the twins to Sea World ,it was their birthday present from us. Gage stayed with Nana and PawPaw so it was just the four of us.We had a blast!
We of course hit traffic on the way down.Right in the middle of Austin rush hour our Austin decides he has to pee! It took about 15 minutes to get to a station so as you can imagine it was 15 minutes of screaming.We finally get Austin settled and we are out of traffic trying to make up for lost time when Alex gets car sick in Kyle,Texas! Strawberry milk curdles! We had to strip her down and pour bottles of water over her to get her clean but she still smelled! Plus I had to dig out chunks from every crevice of her car seat.Not fun..
After that it was smooth sailing until San Antonio rush hour.Yes , traffic AGAIN!
When we finally made it to the hotel we were so relieved.After checking in I had to borrow the hotels cleaner and get to working on the car seat!
We got lucky and their was a Texas Roadhouse and a Bennigans in walking distance.We had a great dinner at T.R. that night and rested up for the big day.
First thing in the morning we went and ate our free continental breakfast then off we went!
Our first activity was the Shamu show.Everyone but Alex had a good time.As soon as he popped up for the first time Alex started crying! She was scared , of Shamu! The rest of the day went better for her.She loved the penguins and alligators.Austins favorite was the dolphins! He was so excited and Daddy got to touch one! Alex of course was scared of them! She did like playing with the dead fish we bought to feed them though.
Everything was going great till it was time to pick out a souvenir. Austin was grabbing stuff that was all $2 or under.Alex though was grabbing $25 dolphin slippers and $15 barbies! So she ended up having a tantrum in the gift shop and was carried out! She got a t shirt and a dolphin and that was it!
Daddy's favorite art was the Budweiser hospitality house! It was air conditioned and they gave you 2 free beers! So Sea World had something for all of us!
After dinner at Bennigans(kids eat free on Sat!), we decided to take a shower and head on home.We thought it would be a much faster trip at night than waiting for the morning.We were right! It took us 3.5hours to get home.I believe it could be a record!
We are all glad to be home but it was great getting to show my kids so many awesome things this weekend.