Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Puppet Show!

Look out Public Library, the Goulding twins now have cards!
Today we went and signed up for the summer reading program and got the kids library cards.Aunt Taryn,Kyler and Mandy came and got cards too. On Wed. afternoons this summer they have different activities and today was a puppet show and the kids really enjoyed it.The pictures were taken before it started and the presenter was really nice engaging the three in conversation.When asked what her name was Alex claimed "Sissy"!
Gage however was just wanting to walk around so he got extremely irritated at me for picking him up so I ran in and out of the room with him.
After the show the kids each picked out 2 books. I went over the rules of library books on the way home and I pray they paid attention! The library may be making money off of this family every time my kids check out a book!!