Sunday, June 3, 2007

Family Day!

Today Papa and Gran came to Nana and Paw Paws for lunch.It was funny because when the twins saw them there they looked a little confused! They are used to seeing them at Gran and Papas house.
It was a beautiful day , a little hot though. Perfect day for swimming.Austin was such a fish today! Nana bought them little ring floats and to all of our surprise Austin held onto it and jumped in.He floated/swam for the whole afternoon.The only time he ever got out was to go to the bathroom.Alex finally was coaxed in the boat.After a while and after being told her ring was pink she decided to give it a try.She liked it too but was much more cautious in it than Austin.
Gage enjoyed swimming with Daddy.Daddy even put him on the waterfall for a few jumps!
We all ate a wonderful lunch and had a great visit with each other. Its always a fun time to visit each of the Grand Parents but its double fun when we can do it all together..