Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Wow! 3 Weeks!

Yes you read it right! It has been a little over 3 weeks we have been smoke free. It is amazing!
We are no longer on Chantix so it is just our will power at this point.It was so great this weekend to be with my kids at Sea World and not have to worry or think about when I could get my next cigarette.
I am happy to report no weight gain , that is on my part! I have actually lost 6 more pounds since last month. I am sitting very happily in the low 120's now! I love CURVES!
As for Shawn.....I really do not know.I know he is still a fan of eating right before he gets into bed.He did say his pants were a bit tighter too! We will see where he levels off at.
So far so good for now.Thanks to our family for their wonderful support!