Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Story Time...

This mornings theme was colors for story time.
The kids really got into pointing out the different colors in each of the books.
I had told Gage before we even left the truck to sit in his seat and not to play musical chairs this week.Well he took me seriously because when he decided to get up and move he kept his chair on his butt and walked around to find another spot! I guess next week I need to be a little clearer.
I got tickled at Alex at one point because a little baby had started to fuss and she turned around and loudly told her to shhh!
To go with the theme their craft was making necklaces out of fruit loops.This was a very big hit!
Gage was eating his while threading it.Alex would alternate eating and threading.
After they were done and we put it around them they were thrilled with munching on their craft.
I have to say that Mrs.Susan is such a wonderful person.I found out today that she is actually a retired teacher and she does this strictly on a volunteer basis.I always assumed she worked for the library.It takes a special person to do that.I can only hope my kids are lucky enough to get those type of teachers when they start school officially.
Next week is the Halloween party so the kids get to wear their costumes! Fun Fun!