Thursday, July 26, 2007

Gender Lines Are Being Drawn...

I read awhile back about age 3 the gender lines really start to define itself.That is so true of the twins right now.I promised them each a new toy of their choosing for a peaceful trip to Wal-Mart.Yes from time to time I use bribes so I don't get embarrassed in public! Don't judge!
So as we go through the aisle Alex starts to get excited about the dress up/princess toys.After careful consideration she chooses a cheerleader outfit.
Austin starts telling me its his turn and says he wants Hot Wheels.So onto the car aisle where he got a pack of cars and the old fashion Hot Wheel tire case for his cars.
We have been home for a few hours now and Austin plays with his cars and puts them back in his case multiple times and Alex has not taken off her dress up outfit as of yet.
Its interesting to see the boy/girl differences coming out.
I also recalled another article I read when Alex decided she would be going to Wal-Mart with her pink camo coat on over sundress! It was all about letting them express their own style a little bit when what they wear really don't matter.So off we went in the store with the hood on and all.We may have gotten some looks but she sure thought she looked great!