Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sunday With Papa and Gran...

We spent the day at Papa and Grans and we all had a wonderful visit.Aunt Erica,Uncle Jeremy and cousin Megan came to visit too and the kids had a blast playing together again.The weather held out for almost all of the visit so the kids were able to play in the pool and run around watering the flowers in the back yard.Sorry there are no pictures,I remembered my camera about 2 minutes into the trip this morning.
Papa grilled us a great lunch.Afterwards us ladies went to Wal-Mart to do our grocery shopping.
The kids were still going strong in the yard when we got back!
It was only about 10 minutes later that the wind picked up and the storm blew through.Of course the heavy part waited till we were loading up! The lightning was so close that it hurt your ears when it cracked! It was very slow going getting home because the rain came down in sheets.
As we suspected though no rain at our house! Guess we need to set the sprinkler system again.
Thank you to Papa and Gran for a great day.Nothing better than spending Sunday with your family.