Sunday, July 8, 2007

Weekend With The Grandparents..

Saturday night the twins went with Nana and PawPaw and Gage spent the night with Gran and Papa.
Needless to say not one of them were happy or even interested in seeing me today!
Papa and Gran reported that Gage did great.He had a great time being the center of attention.
He was even the hit of lunch with Papas Harley group.Plus Papa was proud to report that he likes the sound of all the bikes! When Gran tried to take him in when the bikes started and he was not having it , he wanted to be out there to see the bikes.
After one time of trying to pounce on Papas sore tummy Papa quickly swept him up in the air.Well that signaled play time to Gage! Papa said Gage made a game of trying to pounce on his tummy so he could fly!!
After the Harley lunch today Gran and Papa brought him back and it actually took a few times of me asking him to come to me did he reach for me while being in Grans arms!!

The twins had a blast with Nana and PawPaw too.Their night started at the movies as soon as Nana picked them up! She took them to see Rattatouie(excuse the spelling!) where they had popcorn , Dr.Pepper and Sprite.After the movie they went back to Nanas and swam all afternoon.Austin was of course a little fish but Alex is still pretty stand offish of the water.For dinner Nana treated them to McDonald's! Alex was so wore out from her big day that she fell asleep on the way.
When Mom called me this morning I heard her tell the twins to get in the truck so that they could come see me and at the same time they both cried out "Awe , No"!!! The only thing they said to me when I saw them was that they wanted grapes and a cheeseburger!
It is great to have such wonderful loving grandparents that really enjoy keeping the kids.It makes it nice for Shawn and I to get a break but also for the kids to get that special time with them.Thank you to our wonderful parents for being such awesome grandparents..