Thursday, March 27, 2008

Picnic With My Favorite People!

I knew when I woke up this morning that today was a day I was not going to waste.It was far to beautiful not to get outdoors for a little bit.
I told the kids if they would go play and let me do some things there would be a treat for them.Well they all took off happy to oblige!
That gave me some time to get some lunches put together.
When I was done I got them dressed ,they asked where we were going and when I told them Wal-Mart they were pretty happy.They seriously love that place!
I told them if they were good in the store I would take them to a picnic in the park.Oh boy they were so excited! The twins started yelling"we're good we're good"!
That did the trick ,Wal-Mart trip was actually pleasant.
We had a great little picnic lunch ,then we headed for the playground.The kids ran around and just enjoyed being out.
Before we left we went and fed the ducks.That was really a blast! They got the biggest kick out of throwing the bread and having the ducks come close.One big goose came and quacked at Gage and he was terrified! Yet he was chasing wild squirrels all over the park!
With the promise of ice cream we loaded up.I decided to swing by and get the boys a haircut first.Austin had no problems but Gage screamed , I mean loudly,the whole time .I felt sorry for all the people in that place and made sure to leave a good tip!
I thought a little outdoor play at Burger King with the ice cream would be a great end to our little trip.
Everything was going great for about 15minutes then it struck.
It started with Alex sliding down holding herself because she has to pee.I tell the boys to come down so we can take Alex to the restroom.Gage starts coming down but I noticed he stopped halfway down,squatted and started grunting.So I'm thinking ,great now I need to change him in the restroom too..While Gage finally starts climbing down again Austin has decided he cant climb up or down and I have to go get him.So I enter the tunnel the same time Gage is coming out.That's when I saw the diarrhea dripping down his leg! So now I have one toddler holding herself by the door , one dripping diarrhea, and the other refusing to climb down! I had to do a little multi tasking and clean up Gages drippings on each level of the play structure I had to climb to escort Austin out.
We finally made it to the bathroom and got back in the truck where all 3 took a nap on the way home.
The Burger King incident is just a little glimpse of how some of my days can be,its a completely normal thing to happen!
We truly had a wonderful time together today. I am looking forward to summer!


Angela said...

Your day made me smile... I know how it can be. It shows in your blogs how much you love your children and that is important even on the toughest days.