Saturday, March 29, 2008

Just Me And My Boys....

Alex is at a girls sleepover tonight at Gran and Papas and Shawn was turkey hunting, so it was just me and the boys tonight.
After Gage took a nap we loaded up and went to the video store.Austin picked out a Scooby Doo movie and Gage agreed with the decision.
From there we went to Target to get me a new printer to go with my new computer that will be here on Monday.SO EXCITED !
The boys and I had dinner at Chick Fil A so that they could play in the play area and eat ice cream.
After our bath we jammied up ,popped some popcorn and watched the movie.
The boys had a nice little outing with me and I enjoyed it too.It was much easier with just the two of them!The twins always behave better when they are apart!
I am glad for the special time we got to have tonight.Before I know it they wont want to spend anytime with Mom anymore.I will take it while I can.