Thursday, March 20, 2008

Poor Kid!

What you are looking at is Austins lips after he literally ate his left side bottom lip!
Wed.morning we went and had his cavities filled.Dr.Julie said he did so awesome and got a little high off the laughing gas!
The trouble started on the way home.She warned me that until the numbness wore off that I needed to watch him closely because kids that age will bite and chew their lips but not know they are doing it,she also suggested a milk shake since he could not eat for awhile.
Everything was going great and we even went to Wal-Mart on the way home to get him a new dinosaur movie for being so brave.This kid is so into dinosaurs right now!
As we drove home I checked on him a few times(his car seat is directly behind me so its not so easy) and he was happily drinking his shake.Well when I opened the door to get him out he was covered in chocolate and blood!
Throughout the day his lip just got so big and reached its peak about dinner time.
I talked to the Dentist and took him back today and sure enough it was all caused from him chewing on his lip while it was numb.She gave him a round of antibiotics to take as a preventive measure because his wounds are very open and there is just so much bacteria in your mouth.
He told me it hurt this morning but the Motrin took care of it and he has not complained about it since.
It really looks painful and hideous,the Dr. said it would go through several color changes until it was completely healed.My heart breaks for him every time I see him.
Kids are so resilient though.They really do handle injury or sickness better than adults!I think he is digging all the attention too!